To my mother and my father Whose love knows no limits To my love by my side Whose heart found mine and saved it To my dear friends, The mosaic who make up who I am To those who've wronged me And taught me to be a better man I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well To the king and the pauper May they see we're all the same One might have the crown, But someday both will have the grave To those I've envied And those jealous towards me May we all remember Everyone has their own story I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well And if I'm honest I don't always desire good But that's when I need to choose it To aspire to it To the old and the young, Both in time and at heart The elder and the newborn Both have wisdom to impart To every color you can imagine, From every nation, from every place, The truth of the matter is There's only one human race I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well I wish you well And to myself I wish you well