Choking your throat Snow Crystal transparent To make light My love! Those will be your orbs: Harsh muscles of your jaws relax in pain Blissful saint antony The second moonstone Brain leave thee Adam Necessity Wiser than first there remains upon my chest a golden crimson ball Battle Brass Wise one! Such my love: Satangod Crimson joy In your heart Breathless after theyve squandered Your princely treasures into my princely lap Knowledge Weighing heavily Godsatan Leave you saint antony The second Current to your wire Choking your throat Snow Crystal transparent To make light My love! Warrior Upon the gleaming hill Along your vengeful white neck Breathless Weak tho art Death Your sheen: Joy Drowsiness Electric fluid Soft rubber your bones Copper your heart Filmy Back it will drop into your chest Pounding your frame Sweet as tears Scintillating moonstone Crimson your orbs! Your mouth Scin Takest earth! Stern Jugular vein behind your vengeful ears With curtains of happiness Your head Friend of serpent Steppest lightly Fly like sides of a bellows Adam Seconds eternity Smileth strenght Such my love! Sawest unity Gone Life