(GIBBERISH SHOUTING) (Translates to ADULT MEANS OF COMMUNICATION) This is how we communicate Nowadays And it would be fine But we bring it home And make a castle out of it Cause we're the grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups We care about safety and war At the same time The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups Does anybody care Enough to understand The demand for understanding? NO! É assim que a gente comunica Na contemporaneidade Como se cá andassemos a respirar Tipos diferentes de oxigénio No meu O2 Não cabemos os dois É favor se desculpar É importante p'ra nós você se desviar Você faz coisas de se desconfiar E uma pessoa tem de se abrigar Não vá você se desleixar E acabar com as minhas certezas! The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups We care about safety and war At the same time The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups The grown-ups AND NOW FOR AN IMPROMPTU AD LIB FEEL FREE TO SING ALONG NO NEED TO SOUND GOOD JUST ENJOY! Our whole point in life is to remember people TO ENJOY THEMSELVES