In the silence of our absence, rings around a sacred world What a pity that it won't be heard We're all just a waste of good meat In a godless world Throw my carcass in a wheelie bin And won't you send a nice message to my girl? How can you smile you must be Sick or mad to stay on Earth A dream of Escher, Kafka and All seven sins of Perth There hangs the chandelier There go the twelve million sparks Welcome to the polished steel room of Earthly pleasures Welcome to the dark There's still a national park across the water from Your parents house Would you give yourself a tombstone? Would Cardinal Pell? I don't even recognise my own home We've built our own layer of hell And the sun will hang and wait for the next parade And the echo of us will fade Erase all traces of colonial past We've been here the whole time Just as long as the Woodside's fine We fly out, we fly in For these three whole weeks of carnal sin But the ice and the iron is wearing me thin Lest We Forget, lest we regret our bloody past How long can the boomtown last?