Thinking back I remember now In the audience of all the bright eyes gathered round Never meeting I only saw A new resurrection it wasn't quite simply a change He touches the leaf near his throat ♪ See it rising above the wind Feathers burning, there's no way that he is the same As he was when I turned away Seemed more cat-like or had I been seeing the wolf? He touches the leaf near his throat ♪ Make a shift now Make a change Pull it in now Run to the mountain ♪ Leaning back I remember now Couldn't see him and neither could the other side Nock an arrow and take a life Lay thee down for disturbing the peace he creates He touches the leaf near his throat ♪ Some days it's sunny Some days it's dark Reaching inside to pull out a new part Meet me in silence Sing it out loud Be what you will and what will you be now?
Speak I to one, and yet all can hear I ride with a being I can't name Myself So blue eyes, what is your true name What do I call phoenix, the wolf, and the leopard Speak I to one, and yet all can hear I ride with a being I can't name Myself So blue eyes, what is your true name What do I call phoenix, the wolf, and the leopard