Lieder ohne Worte, Op. 13: No. 3, Allegro
Theodor Kirchner, Gisela Ungerer
Theodor Kirchner: Präludien, Op. 9 & Lieder ohne Worte, Op. 13
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With musical stylings similar to those of Schumann (of whose circle he was a member), Kirchner's musical forte was not in innovation but in organ playing and compositions for the piano of which approximately one thousand pieces were his. Kirchner's organ playing was admired by Mendelssohn, who recommended him for an organist's position in Winterthur, Bulow, Liszt and Wagner. He was admired so much by Wagner that Kirchner would play for the rehearsals of some of Wagner's operas. He maintained positions at St Peter's in Zurich, in Meiningen as the teacher to Princess Amalie, director of the newly established school in Wurzburg, and a teacher in Leipzig and the Dresden Conservatory. He had studied in Leipzip with Knorr and Becker. Kirchner's chamber pieces, particularly his string quartets, were well constructed. ~ Keith Johnson, Rovi