A friend of Jesus oh what bliss That one so weak as I Should ever have a Friend like this To lead me to the sky A friend of Jesus oh what bliss That One so weak as I Should ever have a Friend like this To lead me to the sky Friendship with Jesus Fellowship divine Oh what blessed sweet communion Jesus is a Friend of mine A Friend when other friendships cease A Friend when others fail A Friend who gives me joy and peace A Friend when foes assail Friendship with Jesus Fellowship divine Oh what blessed sweet communion Jesus is a Friend of mine Friendship with Jesus Fellowship divine fellowship divine Oh what blessed sweet communion Jesus is a Friend of mine He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother A Friend that sticks closer than a brother He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother Jesus is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother The Lover of my soul He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother No other friend I know He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother Only Jesus He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother Jesus is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother The Lovely name I know He's a Friend that sticks closer than a brother Oh how I love to call Your name A Friend that sticks closer than a brother Jesus