The glaring light of truth confirms what I've been aware of for miles Orange blurs instructing me to check engine A broken source of life For one whose been running on fumes In the spirit of Fred Flintstone My feet are callused over from running this thing by my own power Lifting up the hood to diagnose the break down I realize I know nothing about cars Not even the one I leased It is not my own Yet, I'm still driving Crazy Down crowded streets that feel so empty Fully deserted I ignored all the signs Treating every intersection like the light was green never seeing others until they're in my way And never noticing you at all Have I been so wrong that even right turn after right turn won't lead me home Am I just circling the block A revolving door of my own mistakes But you gave me the run around this over-populated ghost town Does isolation from the found automatically make one lost What did it cost you to be close to me But still completely invisible Unable to see the map Or hear your voice no matter how many times I ask for directions What's the quickest route to connection Or have I already driven this car so far into the ground That hell is my only destination Forsaken Shaken with fear that I will be left stranded on the side of a road that is the wrong path anyway With no one to guide my way Or even a friend to share the ride with Is this me? The surrounded alone Is this me