Sometimes I get anxious In my head I'm convinced I'm always being looked at But I'm always looking at myself too It's like I'm only ever sure in who I am when I'm on my own I wish confidence was more consistent I think a lot about What it must feel like to wake up everyday sure in ones self Because my morning routine consists Of me convincing myself I'm worth it I'm hardly convinced It's funny how uncomfortable we can feel Inside the bodies we've known our entire lives It's unnatural to be ashamed of the way I was made to be So I've been making an effort to face mirrors more often Now I know enough to know I don't have to try to be beautiful Because I am I've got small ears and a lazy eye A broad forehead and crooked teeth I didn't have a say in how I was made But I'm beginning to understand who I was made to be So when I get anxious When I'm convinced everyone is looking at me I look at myself and smile Knowing that I am something worth looking at Hi it's Thursday, February 21st I'm feeling, I'm feeling really anxious I don't know what it's been for the past few days But it's, it's just felt like confusion There's a lot going on even if there's nothing at all going on It's probably that like everything that's going on is just in my mind I feel like I'm confused by everything, I'm anxious And I know it's irrational That's the thing about anxiety, it's completely irrational That's what makes it harder to talk to anyone about Because most people are gonna, are gonna wanna give rational answers Well, why don't you just try being yourself? Why don't you just text them back and see what happens? Like these are rational answers to an irrational problem So they don't help at all They just make you feel even more irrational You know? Like fuck it I'm crazy or something