I don't know who my next love will be But i know she's warm Like california She's nothing like me, but she's into everything i'm into She doesn't laugh at my jokes but she smiles at my attempts And that smile is enough for me We do more than spend time together We share worlds Experiencing moments as one And because of that i want to explore this entire planet with you I've spent a large part of my past in fear of the future But with you Tomorrow looks like adventure It looks like unfamiliar cities Watching sunsets on top of buildings we aren't allowed Thinking isn't it crazy? How people have ownership over parts Of a planet that was gifted to us all That we have created borders between land we have no claim to You'll tell me it is crazy Then walk me back to reality, Reminding me the world can't be Everything i'd like to imagine in my head I imagine love with you feels like being lost But knowing exactly where i am Because anywhere with you is exactly where i should be I'm not sure what my next love will look like But i know we will love like we were the last two people on earth And i will remind you how to forget About a past that hasn't treated you as well as our future will About a world trying to shape you into something cold I'll tell you, i hate the cold Both in the wind and in people And those people, they'll tell us we're only young That it's always easy at this stage But we'll laugh Knowing the happiness we have found is one that we've worked for It will defy all odds And we will show the world how to love again So to my soulmate Wherever you are I have spent a lifetime looking for you Without knowledge of how you look, sound, or smell But, i know exactly how you'll make me feel Sometimes i fear as though i've felt everything i ever will But you will show me what it means to feel again This is a letter to the lover i have yet to find I don't know how you look, sound or smell But i know you're here