"I can't stop it so the monster goes on, And hurts me to relieve myself at time By day dreams of some victims being tortured and being mine" I dominate you, when I tie you up You can't run away The message is clear, you are mine When I choose you and the color of the rope Wrapping your body is exciting to me Lovers of know-how Tightening the rope again The knots are perfect I'm starting to like you The best moment, when I tie you up When I reach your throat Your eyes are widening You're going to faint I'm strangling you I'm resuscitating you I'm torturing you And I'm strangling you again, and again When your eyes roll It's a real show Tightening the rope again Bondage is at its maximum When you faint When I send the letter I'll write as it was so good To masturbate on your body without oxygen So good Your tights are much more beautiful Around your neck So good I'm bleeding you you're conscious So good You are my toy, I take pictures of you So good