
handwash şarkı sözleri

Sanatçı   ·  ayda 788 dinleyici

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Benzer Sanatçılar


handwash born and raised in Hong Kong, currently based in Vancouver. his work often explores themes of Masculinity, Asian identity as a Hong Kong diaspora, and topics surrounding his personal growth and creative practice. As a producer handwash took the name from washing instruction labels, taking the interpersonal parallel between garments and music. The attention to detail in his “clothes” focuses on the listeners, relatability, providing a different lane to the individualistic side of hip hop. handwash draws sonics inspiration everywhere, from dance to ambient like many of his contemporary hip hop and r&b artist, his roots and language is what makes him unique. handwash's offerings aims to provide the global diaspora from Hong Kong faith for a place in the globe, and that one can continue to be part of the major asian culture export worldwide. handwash 係一個喺香港成長,現定居溫哥華嘅音樂人。佢嘅作品經常涉獵不同議題,例如現代男性主義如何影響人與人嘅關係,冥想對佢成長及創作嘅影響,以及身為流散海外嘅香港人嘅身份認同等。 handwash呢個名來自衣服上面手洗嘅標籤。佢認為音樂同衣著一樣都喺非常個人嘅選擇。佢希望讓聽眾感覺到佢對音樂嘅執著,同時令聽眾了解到Hip-hop音樂當中嘅個人主義。 handwash 經常喺唔同地方吸取靈感。佢相信佢嘅音樂可以令香港音樂喺世界上佔一席之地,令香港一如以往,繼續向全球輸出亞洲文化。 Written with Ray Tsoi - 2023