11 To God Be The Glory The Sheffield Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Fanny Crosby (Blessed Assurance)
55 What A Friend We Have in Jesus The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Ira D. Sankey (Just As I Am)
88 All The Way My Saviour Leads Me The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Fanny Crosby (Blessed Assurance)
1414 Shall We Gather At The River The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Ira D. Sankey (Just As I Am)
1515 I Will Sing The Wondrous Story The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Ira D. Sankey (Just As I Am)
1717 When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Ira D. Sankey (Just As I Am)
2222 Safe In the Arms of Jesus The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: Fanny Crosby (Blessed Assurance)
2323 Angels From The Realms Of Glory The Celebration Choir The Hymn Makers: James Montgomery (Hail To the Lord's Anointed)