I want peace of mind A thing that seems Impossible to find The chaos of this world Seems to destort Any sense of order That I held on to before Overwhelmed with all around I feel my chest is my heart beating One step forward two steps back I'm trapped here should I start retreating Did I choose the right path Should I go back Who should I believe? Eyes are watching Voices talking Please help me Escape this web I weave I want peace of mind A thing that seems Impossible to find The chaos of this world Seems to destort Any sense of order That I held on to before Though I'm overburdened I keep pushing myself Through the next day Breaking down the bigger tasks So I can manage to stay sane Soon I realize life is full of lessons This is one big test Struggle brings Refinement and growth Therefore I must do my best Now 's the time to choose Will I give up or will I strive for more If I'm going to learn then I must push much Further than before Though I'm feeling over-run I know I'm not the only one Gotta keep my head up high Focus on my reason why