Four Pens

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2011年的春天,由主唱小四、鍵盤手咨咨、吉他手Bibo三人所組成,音樂風格主要以Indie folk/pop為主,歌曲多為描述生活中的自我掙扎與反思, 透淨的演奏與溫暖歌詞,有時搭配躍動的鋼琴,有時則帶微微電氣,四枝筆的面貌多元,不變的是他們總像微風般輕柔摟抱住我們。 已發行 2 張時光系列宅錄EP《AM 6:57》與《PM 11:59》、1 張錄音室 單曲《夏季悲歌》、1 張同步錄音EP《柔軟的海》,樂團主要活躍於台灣、日本,與日本廠牌「Fastcut Records」合作完成多次巡迴與作品發行,多次與日本優秀音樂人共同演出合作,例如:Miaou、 曾我部惠一、Ann Sally、市川和則(羊毛與花)、Haruka Nakamura、 Lamp、君島大空等等。 Four Pens is a three piece band from Taiwan formed in 2011. Their name derived from a combination of the three members names, which in Taiwanese means “Four Pens”. Members include vocalist Candace, vocalist-guitarist-song writer Bibo and melodica - metallophone player, Sunny. Four Pens is best known for their dual vocals and vast variety of accompanying instruments. Their songs feature lyrics about life in the hopes that their music can be a companion for the listener.