Well, our blessings, Robert Don't tell your wish or it won't come true You just blew it It probably was a wish you would have got anyway, Robert You wish for a wife Robert? Ha, Don't, you're a lucky son-of-a-gun now, hang in there Actually, I didn't wish for anything Whaddya mean you didn't wish for anything? Oh tell everybody's so curious Tell but lie Thank you for including me in your thoughts, your lives Stay exactly as you are Robert That's right, you sweet thing, stay exactly as you are Everyone adores you; what an awful thing Things happen for the best I don't even believe that myself I mean when you've got friends like mine I mean... when you've got friends like mine Isn't it warm, isn't it rosy Side-by-side He's such a cutie, isn't he a cutie? ...by side Ports in a storm Comfy and cozy, side-by-side He never loses his cool ...by side I envy that Everything shines How sweet Side-by-Side We're just so fond of him ...by side Parallel lines Who meet Love him, can't get enough of him Everyone winks Nobody's nosy Side-by-side He's just crazy about me ...by side He's a very tender guy You bring the drinks and I'll bring the posy Side-by-side He's always there when you need him ...by side One is lonely and Two is boring Think what you can keep ignoring Side-by-side He's my best friend ...by side Second best! ...by side Never a bother Seven times a god father Year after year Older and older It's amazing we've gotten older every year and he seems to stay exactly the same Sharing a tear Lending a shoulder You know what comes to my mind when I see him? The seagram's building, isn't that funny? Ain't we got fun No strain Sometimes I catch him looking and looking I just look right back Permenant sun No rain We're so crazy he's so sane Friendship forbids Anything bitter A person like Bob doesn't have the good things and he doesn't have the bad things, But he doesn't have the good things either Being the kids As well as the sitter Let me make him a drink He's the only guy I know I feel should drink more One's impossible Two is dreary Three is company Safe and cheery Side-by-side He always looks like he's keeping score Who's winning robert? ...by side Here is the church Here is the steeple Open the doors and see all the crazy married people