I was walking, I was walking with my head in my hands and my feet on the ground I was waiting, I was waiting for an event to come along and take me down I was loving, I was living a little lady I knew little about I was hoping, for a revelation or maybe a kind face to come and change my life At home in the night warm like the light I'd give my sight forsake what's right for wrong for a song If nothing is clear then there's nothing to fear And if death wanders here and oblivion is near I'll long for a song I was given, I was given a chance to dance with the devil himself I was promised, I was promised a life eternal and boundless wealth You were patient, with my illusions of grandeur and my excessive tendencies But you were lying, about waiting forever and being the one that's always here right next to Me At home in the night warm like the light I'd give my sight forsake what's right for wrong for a song If nothing is clear then there's nothing to fear And if death wanders here and oblivion is near I'll long for a song