Why are you holding on To what you know is gone? You know it wasn't meant to be ♪ Both knees are on the floor You reach out your hands for more Like the shoreline trying it's best to hold on to the sea ♪ People are water, they need to be free They need to explore more where they want to be We cannot be keepers of anyone's key We have to love in a way that sets them free And darling, believe me, there will come a time When the earth will shake and the stars will align And you won't have to beg for anyone's time So trust and believe everything will be fine
People are water, let' em be Let it breathe, let it leave ♪ What are you crying for? You know the world is yours And what is meant for you will be ♪ So loosen up your grasp Everything's not meant to last Let the rising tide withdraw and go back to the sea 'Cause you see People are water, they need to be free They need to explore more where they want to be We cannot be keepers of anyone's key We have to love in a way that sets them free And darling, believe me, there will come a time When the earth will shake and the stars will align And you won't have to beg for anyone's time So trust and believe everything will be fine ♪ People are water, let' em be Let it breathe, let it leave ♪ People are water, let' em be Let it breathe, let it leave People are water, they need to be free They need to explore more where they want to be We cannot be keepers of anyone's key We have to love in a way that sets them free And darling, believe me, there will come a time When the earth will shake and the stars will align And you won't have to beg for anyone's time So trust and believe everything will be fine