Context is for kings ♪ Recapture freedom of speech Much as I admire Halt between two opinions, it troubles me Annoying figures Much as I despise stupidity and mankind ♪ We're the people Time to reconsider our human rights The 21st century, a new era Class justice has declined Within living memory Judge of men, degraded humanity We speak highly of those Who murdered and betrayed Money, power, even the church in which we hoped to find shelter Tortured those who believed in something else ♪ Who decides? Me or you? The central part Preserve the happy mean between extremes Wrong mentality? You're kidding me Much as I despise stupidity and mankind ♪ We're the people Time to reconsider our human rights The 21st century, a new era Radicalism has declined Sickening ways, unstoppable forces Far beyond our imagination It's easy to respect the ones we love But what about those we don't? Think small, act big, live fast, die soon Take care, embrace Crush stupidity of mankind ♪ Who decides? ♪ Who, who decides? Me or you? Who decides? ♪ Who decides? Me or you? Who decides? ♪ Context is for kings Context is for kings Context is for kings Context is for kings ♪ To see it all, to feel it all To fight it all, context is for To see it all, to feel it all To criticize it all, context is for Stupidity and mankind Context is for kings