Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake. Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Show his eyes and grieve his heart. Come like shadows; so depart! Cool it with a baboon's blood, Then the charm is firm and good. Double, double toil and trouble By the pricking of my thumbs, Fire burn and cauldron bubble Something wicked this way comes. I'll charm th' air to give a sound, While you perform your antic round. That this great king may kindly say Our duties did his welcome pay. Double, double toil and trouble By the pricking of my thumbs, Fire burn and cauldron bubble Something wicked this way comes. Something wicked This way comes Show his eyes and grieve his heart. Come like shadows; so depart! Cool it with a baboon's blood, Then the charm is firm and good. Double, double toil and trouble By the pricking of my thumbs, Fire burn and cauldron bubble Something wicked this way comes. Something wicked this way comes. Something wicked this way comes. Something wicked this way comes. Something wicked this way Comes