Hiding 'neath my umbrella A grill bow kinda fella, And take the safest road through all kinds of weather Don't commit two lovin, Don't commit a crime. Worthless passion in your mind, The thrills that you're imagining are waste of your time You sad invidivual, I'm not the one for you, you'll never do Time Takes a mouthful of memory Two spoonfuls, you forget everything Life Could be musical comedy Prop like street light wind awaiting your swing Place your bets, I'll place my now I will bet on your heart to win (bet on your heart to win) I've got a feeling The weather is changing and my lucky's in So what about the conversation (conversation) Hard, far revelation Then you realize We are the diplomats Talks are breaking down Love is leaving town Duck yourself into a corner (duck yourself, dear) Get the rope and go abroad, dear What's the attraction? Follow the action. But you're getting old, I can see the lines form on your face. ♪ Place your bets, I'll place my now. I've got a feeling, the weather is changing So place your bets, i'll place my now I've got a feeling, the weather is changing So place your bets, I'll place my now I will bet on your heart to win (bet on your heart to win) I will bet on your heart to win (bet to win) I've got a feeling, the weather is changing And my lucky's in. My lucky's in.