I apologise Seem to have arrived On what items in my bag from your house. There's cutlery A tablecloth, some Hennessy And a book on Presidents deceased. I'll have them fed-exed to you It was a strange thing to do I hope we can still be friends. Ah, it was not me But someone else, you see Twisting the steering reins. Put a penny in the slot and make an Artificial li-ii-iight shine Leave go-ooo. Mark old and line. I don't give advise But be wise and think twice Before getting involved in a game. Where the minority Face the majority Who are faceless and born without names. Was it knock synch when We came across three men They had church candles wrapped in newspaper. I bought two from them And I'll lit one for you I hope the message made it's way down the wire. Put a penny in the slot and make an Artificial li-ii-iight shine Leave, go, my golden arm The soul of a dog He's alive and not gone To the farm like the others said. A Rhodesian richback Off the beaten track In a furniture shop down on the quays. For the lonliness you foster I suggest Paul Auster A book called Timbuktu. Put a penny in the slot and watch the Drunken sailor boy dance. She will not let you be Her lov-ver. She goes out looking for The taxi. Her phone is ringing straight to Message-minder. Send out a battalion to Find her. Put a penny in the slot and count the Swans through a te-elescope. I can't help from cryin' I wish you were mine. When I was seventeen I followed my dream Up into a high-rise block. The adventures of Augie March By Saul Below Was all I had for company. At night time I'd lie In Beckingham pike With tears like flashbulbs. And recall my treasure- Searching days In the rock pools as a kid. To the remains of The cherub plains Or around the bonfire in Nailors cove. Good company and grief Sit like a dark leaf Sits beside a singing nett-le. Put a penny in the slot and make an Artificial li-ii-iight shi-iine Leave, go, my golden arm