I've learned how not to miss The age of tenderness that I Am so lucky to have seen once And now that I've become older I've learned how to brush over My history and how it's sequenced When I think about you I see a person who Hasn't existed for a long time Before you started using Before I starting choosing To do the same thing for the same reasons The first name I called you Is not a name at all More of a duty than a function Often an execution Often with deep confusion of 'Who was I when that name was just mine?' ♪ Like a serpent charmer negotiating harm I live with a basket of your silence And as the years record I can feel it growing board But I keep the top on in the meantime When I pass my reflection There isn't any question of Where the person in it came from When I catch myself thinking And hear the voice that speaks inside I know where I got my brain from Every step I've strayed from and followed Led me to the same location Every act I've forsake and borrowed A delivery to now And I've never wondered how I came to be, I feel free like you promised I'd be Free, I feel free like you promised I'd be Free, I feel free like you promised I'd be Free, I feel free like you promised I'd be