I can't keep dwelling upon Making sense of it all My life passed in a blink Of an eye, almost as if Time was never a friend of mine Church bells, they ring goodbye Shadow of my hope Will rise above Fly now my soul, fly Far from home I can't keep dwelling upon Making sense of it all People come and then go Like waters sanding the stones As time steals your memories And bells ring for me On my grave one shall behold Daisies and marigolds As I turn into memory And bells ring for me Time People come and then go Takes its toll Like waters sanding the stones I should go As time steals your memories It's my turn And bells ring for me My bed of flowers and moss Cradles pieces of my bones So here I will lie I don't think I'll ever miss my life Though I haven't lived for too long But I have discovered Grief and nature of human pain, so I am relieved in grave Time Takes its toll I should go It's my turn But you are alive Time People come and then go Takes its toll They disappear and you are alone I should go In this prison of your life It's my turn And bell rings for my heart