Dan Owen

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Love, of which some get too much and others notoriously too little, is not only one of the eternal themes of humanity. Without sentiment, without longing, without love, there would probably be no music. It has been sung about for as long as anyone can remember. At times, music is about the happiness of falling in love, and other times, it’s the loss of love that’s being mourned. It’s only very rarely that someone dares to address the dark sides of love. Dan Owen has experienced the endless realms of love firsthand, or rather, he’s felt what it can do deep down in his soul. For an entire decade, a form of dependence, masquerading as love for a person, defined his life. On his new single "Wide Awake" he sings about breaking free from the chains he was tied down with. “I was in a relationship with a girl for far too long, thinking it was good for me. But it actually was a toxic connection,” the 29-year-old recalls. “Because we were so young, we ended up developing into two different directions, which made it impossible for us to be together. But we kept holding on to each other, and it made the last few years feel as if our legs were tied together. We became immobile, static, because we didn’t allow ourselves to live out important parts of our personalities. Today I realize what went wrong then. But I had to wake up from the alleged idyll first.”