O Azul
Marcos Ruffato, Amaranto, Cristu00f3vu00e3o Bastos, Analu Braga, Camila Rocha, Marcelo Jiran, Yuri Vellasco
Sanatçı · ayda 159 dinleyici
Marcos Ruffato, Amaranto, Cristu00f3vu00e3o Bastos, Analu Braga, Camila Rocha, Marcelo Jiran, Yuri Vellasco
Marcos Ruffato, Rafaela Sueitt, Adriana Losi, Daniel Guedes, Felipe Josu00e9, Letu00edcia Leal, Tu00falio Arau00fajo
Marcos Ruffato, Davi Fonseca, Felipe Vilas Boas, Josu00e9 Luis Braga, Eduardo Sueitt, Su00e1 Reston
Marcos Ruffato, Bu00e1rbara Barcellos, Toninho Horta, Esdra Ferreira (Nenu00e9m), Jack Will, Tiago Arau00fajo
Marcos Ruffato, Tauu00ed Castro, Fu00e1bio Gouvea, Jack Will, Nonato Lima, Rafaela Sueitt
Marcos Ruffato, Cyrano Almeida, Edelson Pantera, Jack Will, Mariah Carneiro, Beto Lopes, Carlos Walter
Marcos Ruffato, Mau00edra Manga, Camila Rocha, Nath Rodrigues, Paulo Fru00f3is, Rebecca Kleinmann
Marcos Ruffato, Leopoldina
Marcos Ruffato, Claudia Manzo, Alou00edsio Horta, Daniel Guedes, Esdra Ferreira (Nenu00e9m), Jou00e3o Machala, Marcelo Chiaretti
Marcos Ruffato, Analu Braga, Jack Will, Mariana Zwarg, Pedro Volta, Su00e1 Reston
VATA, my first album, was made collaboratively, by many hands, and comes into the world with the intention of being a breath that contributes to dissipate the weight of the clouds that hang over the horizon of our times. In the ancient Indian tradition of Ayurveda, wind, flow and movement are related to vata dosha. And it's known that the force that lives in the wind is essential for anyone who takes the job of breaking up heavy clouds :) Some words from Toninho Horta on Vata: "Listening to Marcos Ruffato's music through the VATA album, I felt myself in a place where emotions and sense between the mountains and the sea meet each other. The compositor's rich melodies move between the real image and the dream. Through the arrangements and the beautiful sound from percussions, voices, guitars and trombones in the CD, the artist affirms his maturity and musical creativity in a unique way. From the first to the last track, we feel the strength of his songs and the poetic texts that talks about the land and the sea, seeking joy and a feeling of gratitude for what is beautiful, pure and dimensional: love! Congratulations Ruffato, for your accurate guitar like the wood of a boat, your voice is whole like a bird song in the woods. Your apparently sophisticated music is light and communicative, which makes us feel free to always revisit the sensations of charm that your beautiful musical work translates! TONINHO HORTA" For bio information, please go to my website and social networks