If the end goal If the purpose Is pure existence Then nothing should stop us From existing in every single way that we can And if acceptance is deliverance Then deliverance is believing That everyone would be better if they can And so here I stand We're going somewhere I feel it in my waters To the bottom of a barrel or somewhere we oughta Be proud of In the end If Sundays are for roasts They're for cuddles and they're for toast They're for walking with cold noses And little tiny toesies With socks wet through From the puddles that you trudge through It's just a simple metaphor For the drudgery, for the Life For the pain you feel inside You can't ignore for any longer Open the door to something stronger Because you know And you can feel it in your waters We're going somewhere I think it's important To hope with all our hearts We're going Somewhere forwards But if we're not you've not got far to fall I'm here, and here we stand, one and all Solid to the end So you can bounce back again If time is irrelevant Let's mitigate some elephants If it's friendship it's important If it's purpose or if it's a plan If it's a life spent together If it's a life well lived with experience I'm stood here and I'm telling you You've got one chance to live it And if we're going somewhere Then let it be forwards Hold your hands high Feel it In your waters, and shout We're going forwards