Arise receive your healing today Arise from all your All your sickness and pain Jehova Rapha Dwells in you He was wounded so you May be healed So arise Arise Arise receive your healing today Arise from all your All your sickness and pain Jehova Rapha Dwells in you He was wounded so you May be healed So arise Arise Arise receive sufficiency Arise from lack and Inadequacy Jehovah Jirah Dwells in you He was poor so that you May be rich So arise Arise Arise and live victorious Arise and live above the curse Your portion is the blessing A life that's overflowing So arise Arise Arise and live victorious Arise and live above the curse Your portion is the blessing A life that's overflowing So arise Arise Rise up and have this Victorious life Get up child of God And posses the earth Rise up and have this Victorious life Get up child of God And posses the earth Rise up and have this Victorious life