Today I will walk with my hands in God ♪ Today I will trust in Him and not be afraid For He will be there, for He will be there Every moment to share, on this wonderful day He has made ♪ Hari bahagia dalam hidupku Berjalan bersama-Mu, Yesus Tuhanku S'bab Kau sertaku, s'lalu sertaku Sepanjang hidupku bahagia selalu Sertaku ♪ S'bab Kau sertaku, s'lalu sertaku Sepanjang hidupku bahagia selalu Sertaku ♪ For He will be there, for He will be there (He will be there) Every moment to share, on this wonderful day (Wonderful day) ♪ He has made On this wonderful day (Wonderful day) Wonderful day (Wonderful day) Wonderful day He has made