Robin og Bugge

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The artist and songwriter duo Robin og Bugge is one of the biggest Norwegian pop/rap acts the last decade. The duo from Oslo had their commercial breakthrough with "Elak Elak" in 2013, which not only became a significant hit song, it was the "first of its kind" and has among other Robin og Bugge-songs been a pioneering song for Norwegian party-pop in general. "Elak Elak" was played from the City Hall belltower in Oslo, once a day, over a period of six months, and officially became a part of Oslos cultural heritage. Their biggest hit "Best når jeg er full" dominated Spotify top 50 for several months and was also to be spotted in the NRK hit series "SKAM". The duo is among the first artists to become successful on the mainstream market, coming from the russ music-industry, which they left i 2012. 
 They have worked, and had massive streaming success, with artists like Freddy Kalas, Morgan Sulele, Tungevaag, Katastrofe, Onkl P and Innertier, and producers like Broiler, William "Nasty Kutt" Wiik Larsen, Ketil Jansen (Lemaitre) and Jesper Borgen. Robin og Bugge has been nominated for "The summer hit of the year" on the radio station NRJ - three times. They have played over 500 concerts the last 12 years, and are most definitely a favorite among the norwegian people, based on sold out conserts and still massive streaming success.