Needles in the black forest are falling Like a cloak of evergreen Softening the footsteps of the memories Of our children never seen Carrying our baggage on a train Which moves along the shore Crossing on a pathway where in dreams We've met each other from before Far away, we will fly Buckled in this cradle We'll be rocking ever gentle in the wind Spine-backed rivers rush, never still Full and rising to the sky Where pounded gravel, caught in pools Fine as sandstone travels to the sea Sea birds peck at bubbles on a wet and Foaming tide below the wind And banks of dandelions, thistle canyons Sweep their edges till they're gone Far away, we will fly Buckled in this cradle We'll be rocking ever gentle in the wind I love you even though some of your flaws Make me mad from time to time I've decided that the perfect mate we search for Isn't there and can't be found So I know that I must love you and accept you With your faults and you with mine If I can just see through your smokescreen And you let me get to know you over time Far away, we will fly Buckled in this cradle We'll be rocking ever gentle in the wind