Shipped in by the millions, In disregard of gender or race, Like bagged goods of imported produce, Behind bars and surrounded by fences. Do you constantly repeat to yourself that you knew of nothing? Does that help you endure the guilt? Keep your hands free from blood? Cruelty-free? And allow you to savour the taste of Free from murder, free from slaughter. Isn't that a life worth living? Why won't it get through your thick skull? AAAAAARGH! ...ugh. Forced to survive Between blood and shit-stained walls. Frozen to death And collapse due to fatigue and exhaust. Free slave labour And no compensation for their pain. Avoid torture And others to be slain. Do you constantly repeat to yourself that you knew of nothing? Does that help you endure the guilt? Keep your hands free from blood? Cruelty-free? And allow you to savour the taste of Free from murder, free from slaughter. Isn't that a life worth living? Without popular outcry And with protest at bay These camps of utter horror Keep functioning everyday. "We knew of nothing" But finance it with our pay. There's no better time to Stop using slaves.