We sailed under stars on the night of Lughnasa Let down our anchor at the harbour of Cork The captain worked us to a sweat, let us drink into the night Made haste on the road to the famous Crooked Fork While drownin' in the ocean of whiskey and beer Heard the fiddle and the flute so I took a deep swig The crowd instantly parted like the sea in front of Moses All eyes fell on a lass dancin' the Gallowglass Jig Dance my dear Like the raging seas Sway my ship Until the sun rises Dance my dear Spin like the wind Like there was no tomorrow And the end was near Thighs uncovered by the movement of her skirt Hands caressed her body like the waves of the sea Another sip of whiskey calmed the heat in me heart Sold my soul to the barrel and the devil set me free That naughty look... hmm... the blazing inferno Voluptuous curves were all around, I remember the night The world began to shake on a dormant volcano With a wicked smile and dazzling eyes she set us all on fire Dance my dear Like the raging seas Sway my ship Until the sun rises Dance my dear Spin like the wind Like there was no tomorrow And the end was near