I was with someone last night in a dream Mmm a fantasy I don't know what it was I was erm (Laughs) Am I the only one who comes here just to talk No lots of people do But some people just make noises It's ok The bed was not my own Someone slept with me Someone slept beside me in the dark The girlfriend I knew My husband my ex My cousin Marie The thing in the park The blonde from the bar The guy from the gym Not really her Not really him The bed was not my own Someone lay there still Someone who would know my name What I hoped to find in all my lo-vers Were they lovers Can I call them lovers What I've never found in any lo-vers Was there Here Shallow breath Sleep and death All in one The only one My dream was not my own Someone dreamed with me Someone dreamed beside me in the dark Sleep angel don't wake up I am in your dreams Sleep lover don't wake up Or else your dream is done Don't wake up Or I'll wake up alone A girlfriend I knew My husband my ex You You