Enough of the games I slid you a controller to boot Flash on the iris We just played the bootleleg by the suit Flew out the south to buy some peaches I've been reaching to far You hopped that delta for a hour Adding sugar to (that gas tank) Ugh Never listen I'm hard headed Gave the medic some blow Stainless steel into my side The crucifix is in tow I carry burdens like I'm Jesus (Never) Baby leave me alone If you can't reach me by the weekend Let's say seasons have flow Suffer balance New actions Draws a lean on my soul Moon tide the nights nigh We just give it and go Over overt narcissism Give me the heaven I'm owed Could see the spark outside my heart In daylight glittering gold Hope we would never be apart The shine is simmering bold Bring in the sun Swallow heat Keep your freezing from cold Seek to forever cry in peace The streets are bringing me home Don't take it personal This hearse can hold a demon or I'm more deserving though Worth can go from boring to misused So if you ever chose to kill me Love me hard like you love truth Don't need no bitches Or religion if I got you But on the real how in the hell am i supposed to jump When i got gravity I'll take them off and bid the chance Before I bid you adieu Do the most to live a joke The king got jesters to lose Sentiment sleuth I'd throw away all that you gave But know I'm better than (you) I want love too I know its my fault anyway Anyway Anyway Anyway Anyway Man No somos los mismos aunque lo intentemos En diferentes lugares en diferentes tramos Puedes desinibirte con un par de tragos Eso no hace ser sincero el decir te amo Aprendí que no soy solo un recuerdo Y nada mas, tengo todo el universo Pa nadar Y quien sabe, son flash back que se suben En mi nave una nube color gris a que sabe? En mi sprit letal jarabe Escribiendo poemas en un árbol con mi llave No me digas nene qué hacer porque haré lo contrario Quizá no soy la misma pero me respetanen el barrio Y lo que ayer era un jobi hoy se transformó en mi salario Todos los días estudiando él vocabulario Tu querías flow esto un gol en un estadio Si te sientes cansado hermano animou Puedes gozar tu vida o transfórmala en un calvario O mirarte en espejo y hacerte tu cuestionario