Mail-order brides, Turtlenecks and trophy wives. Had the ways and means to breach, The borders of Easy Street. And to blend right in, We all surrounded them, In a white picket fence. Now both ends meet . . . Suffice it to say, there's a time and a place so I wait, For the tug-of-war and who you'll pull for. While between you and me from point A to point B is a fine line, That burns at both our good ends. Two peas in a pod, A battle-axe and a bastard child, Took one step more, And went straight to the source. And to blend right in, They opened fire with, Their rain checks spent. To make ends meet . . . Suffice it to say there's a time and a place so I wait, For the tug-of-war and who you'll pull for. While between you and me from point A to point B is a fine line, That burns at both our good ends. Go on, paint the whole town red, I'd rather follow who cleans up the mess, And so I wait . . . Suffice it to say there's a time and a place so I wait, For the tug-of-war and who you'll pull for. While between you and me from point A to point B is a fine line, That burns at both our good ends.