No one can serve two masters And survive the seas of treason How faith in government defies Both history and reason No one can serve two masters And survive the seas of treason How faith in government defies What we were meant to be Independent and free The shadow cast by the ruling class If we only could see past Within these hands We hold these truths In the hands of the "More capable set of men" With the pursuit Marginalized, factionalized, and dispossessed The select few To answer to this purpose With permanence and stability to Protect minority of the opulent Against the majority Protecting wealth is the primary role of government Overwhelmed by those who pull the strings of government Serve and protect The power to coerce by violence declines To balance and check Other mechanisms of control must be devised And must extend Over what they know and they feel And belief systems inside Like armies regiment their bodies We must regiment their minds Control by force until they bow in fear of government Mould their thoughts so they don't interfere with government Send them to war and they will fight and die for government My father told me that I should never serve the government For those who gave their fucking lives Can you imagine the outrage For those who gave their fucking lives We must fight the rising tide The tides are turning and it's only just a matter of time Before the masses wake up to this lie Can you? Can you imagine the outrage for those who gave their fucking lives For those who gave their fucking lives