Lecturing with human archives Containing copious accounts of sorrow Lashing out to gratify The petulance within Grisly exhibition of prey Refined to a science Unleashing wrath and vengeance Egotistic author of disdain Praising the fame Barbarous Insolent homicides - Thrill Killer Licentious avarice Viciously Inclined - Driven Embracing immortality Avowed Depraved Overcoming Imposing distutants Designate prey for symbols of retaliation Carcasses put on display Resentful of humanity Authorities left to investigate The evidence leads to no one The killer laughing in their face Toying with forensic science Exasting domination Rejecting all standards of morality Overcoming Imposing disputants Designate prey for symbols of retaliation Barbarous Insolent homicides - Driven Publicly disposing trophies The ultimate violation Proud of his addiction He will never desist