Beyond control, we are falling, out of control, there's nothing left From sacrifice, to survival The harvest is over, yet we are not saved All have failed, it's not what we've lost it's what we've made Seasons change as do our perceptions This cannot be our reflection Diplomacy has been tried, it failed Peace is nothing but a fairy tale Bloodshed and war The natural state of humanity Peace is a dream that cannot be achieved, a lie, False sense of security Grab your rifle and put down the signs Hide your family and head for the front line From sacrifice, to survival It's the unfortunate but ever persistent state of affairs The government and media market murder for a living The worse things get the more profitable it becomes Every drop of blood spills equals a significant financial gain Discover and admit defeat to realize you are nothing But a change in ways Life beyond needs, from sacrifice The only thing we can hope for is survival The only thing we can hope for, from sacrifice to survival