Hopeless existence Reason for surrender Abusers are waiting to possess the weak A pathetic fairytale Earn the death fund Gifts of the mindless Raise the revenue Diebus famis Dies belli (Satanas) Satanas (In gloriam) In gloriam A made up fairytale Madness of the dumb Believe the imposter Sorrow of the weak Ignorant for treason Submissive denial To serve the fraud To serve a lesser God ♪ Advantage of the soul Serve a lesser God The imposters' image, creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak ♪ Hopeless existence Reason for surrender Abusers are waiting to possess the weak A pathetic fairytale Earn the death fund Gift of the mindless Raise the revenue Diebus famis Dies belli (Satanas) Satanas (In gloriam) In gloriam Advantage of the soul Serve a lesser God The imposters' image, creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak ♪ Advantage of the soul Serve a lesser God The imposters' image, creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Simple souls consist Serve a lesser God Apostles of the weak Creation of a fraud Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak Apostles of the weak