Looking out my door, I've seen this world before, It's not like I left it, Yesterday. As for the fact, That it cannot come back, It doesn't really matter, Anyway. Turn on your eyes, And look into tomorrow's skies, Then look for the past, A smile's all that really lasts. There's a bigger play Until you want to stay You took or else To take it Reach out your hand Take what you can Live while you chance You can make it. Open up your eyes, And look into tomorrow's skies, Then look for the past, A smile's all that really lasts. Look to the skies Where the eagle flies (hey!) Look out your door, You've seen the world before, It's not like you left it, Yesterday. Reach out your hand And take what you can If you don't, Someone else will, anyway. Turn on your eyes, And look into tomorrow's skies, Tales are for the past, A smile's all that has to last.