Life of darkness i had chosen For honour to sin so absurd Bliss of the undead Embracing repugnance of the obscure Inhaling and self destroying For principles profound on this earth Self humiliating so lustful we wait The death of the night Smoke of wisdom We shall breathe for the night Prepared to walk The path horrendous of the earth We shall become one in sorrow As life its meaning of none So time will happen in darkness Within ages of anxiety to meet again Night so black is the night I had bright as nightlight of the moon So i learn the secrets of luna Those taught to cleanse this fate Progeniture of this darkened medium Virtue in magnificent wisdom So black is the death of this sense Of mortal heresy And misery pageantry Triumphant on death and beyond And in clouds of smoke you ride Feasting in loss to transmigrate The afterlife you brought in pestilence Thus confine to nothing As nothing we had become As night so dark and black We near in anger, no longer trust O precious power of the dark Let the day be the night