Cloud-compelling, slit in twain! Sharpening the stone! He is the catalyst of Octinomos Caduceus, staff in hand! Hypermnesia! Two adders: one white and one black Grade of logos, hark in twain! Echoing the words! He is the mirage of the Treble Will Silver tippet, switch in head, Cataplexia! Double quills: one dull and one sharp His necrophageous force appears, in the temper, under a certain guise His meritorious exposé bares the wisdom over a murky bize Uttermost, unity proves the gemmed azure is naked He outshines with expenditures of energies Furthermost, amity veils his serpent-soul divided He misshapes back to indrawn criticality Entereth between the myth Uttereth betwixt the mouth Exiteth between the Ma'at I am the Phantasmal Expounder Exiteth between the naught Uttereth betwixt the night Extereth between the Nox I am the Hierophant Agitator Over certain guises, in fits of ire, his mortification force appears The stélé of his exposé Uttermost, unity proves the gemmed azure is naked Hie misshapes back to indrawn criticality Entereth between the Beth (And the star of Set) Uttereth betwixt Ma'at (O' Sirius) Exiteth between the Moth (The falling Sothis) I am Hierophantasmal Over certain guises, the force appears