I'm sleeping later everyday I let my time all go to waste I'm cracking eggshells in the pan too much I don't know if I'm washing my hands enough I'm keeping it close to the surface But that's not really making it hurt less Nothing to do but keep texting my therapist So many half-assed attempts to get over this Still dreaming in abbreviated emails Regarding airfare quotes, un-rendered thumbnails Its 9 p.m. and slipping out I'm still at home Blister my palm, losing to metal Mario I'm having it out with the counter top 'Cause it doesn't believe I can turn it off Wasting a year in the garage like a gravel pit But I'm young I should just fucking enjoy this shit I hate the part of the song where the chorus hits 'Cause I don't like sticking flags on my nervousness Stuck in the kitchen for hours its my default Still can't determine between white sugar and salt