Waiting, waiting, waiting for true life to start Mistaking exertion for effort, depression for art It's not dying, but missing the whole point of life that I fear Mistaking talent for work and the hours for years Why must we die, when it feels like life just started? Why even try, if we all end up broken-hearted? When my life began, I thought that everything would last forever Now I'm too old to pretend There's not a thing I won't miss about life, but a lot to regret The imprint I leave behind will be quick to reset Why must we die, when it feels like life just started? Why even try, if we all end up broken-hearted? When my life began, I thought that everything would last forever Now I'm too old to pretend I won't go quietly into the night Not when our life together just got started Fight the dying light Even if we're shot down broken-hearted Thunder and fire at will Storm the hills, be swift and keen on ascent Now take my hand and pretend We don't want this to end