Adderall to wake, Ambien to sleep Citalopram and Xanax for anxiety Wellbutrin as an aid to my sobriety We know when it's not true, we know when it's not real It's real if you can feel the rush of what you touch It's real if you can touch the things that make you feel rush Everything I thought, I thought I knew was true Was built on lies I told myself when I was young And so the darkness spoke with a persuasive tongue At night I twist and turn, haunted by my dreams Not dreams of things I've done, but things I didn't do The vision of the man I should have been with you So the darkness spoke of silence and despair A parched summer wind, a whisper in my ear "Take my quiet breath up into the air" I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad I am sad I am sad I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad I am sad I am sad I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad I am sad even though I am on all the meds I am sad I am sad I am sad