Oh here's to you and here's to us And when you're down, I'll lift you up Oh, heres to truth and heres to love Go scream it out You're more than enough Heres to us Heres to the first time I knew i was in love with a girl To the first time I realized there's light in this world To the first night that felt so right and the moonlight And the bright stars and the one night that changed my life forever I swear to god nothin felt better My whole world just shifted Some kinda fog had been lifted and we were too I was happy as fuck to fall in love with you Who could it harm We were chilling and i felt safer than i ever had in your arms There was somethin about you Like you had everything figured out I just knew I wanted you and I never had a doubt Cause you looked at me a way no one else ever had From that day on I knew you had my back Knew i never felt more accepted Never felt more connected Like i was never really sick twisted or infected And its because i wasn't I'm just gay And i finally found the one that tells me everyday thats okay Oh here's to you and here's to us And when you're down I'll lift you up Oh, heres to truth and heres to love Go scream it out You're more than enough Heres to us I get sick to my stomach when i see people with nothin but hate in there heart Try to tear apart something greater than they are Throwing brimstones our way Why Cause your momma daddy or granny said "GOD DOESN'T LIKE GAYS" Shit You know what i don't get He created us didn't he Gave us a gift to see the world differently Made us fabulous as fuck without any nips and tucks Blessed me with the baddest bitch Now lets see What'd he leave you with Oh thats right spite And ignorance and intolerance Why you shoutin and hollerin in my face love isnt about race or gender It ain't about people pretendin to be something they not I wanna go for walks with my girl Without gettin dirty looks on my block I wanna kiss her Missing her hurts way too much Theres not denying it When im with my baby Its like a spark is lit Its something that fuels me And nothing compares to it And much like the love you got No one will ever understand that shit Oh here's to you and here's to us And when you're down I'll lift you up Oh heres to truth and heres to love Go scream it out You're more than enough Heres to us