Deep in the heart of the Third Reich Behind desks Planning day in and day out Something wicked and grotesque With pen and paper as weapons And hatred as their guide They plan and prepare A horrible genocide Deaths collaborators Depraved administrators Scizophrenic bureaucrats Evil autocrats Hiding behind forms Playing their roles Ice-cold civil servants Sinister souls Treblinka and Belzec, the end of the death trek Auschwitz and Chelmno, gateways to the inferno ♪ Going to work with accuracy With German precision Sending millions to their deaths For the Aryan vision Deaths collaborators Depraved administrators Scizophrenic bureaucrats Evil autocrats Hiding behind forms Playing their roles Ice-cold civil servants Sinister souls ♪ Treblinka and Belzec, the end of the death trek Auschwitz and Chelmno, gateways to the inferno Majdanek and Sobibor, apocalyptic killing floors Cynicism and scorn, to reach his own