Nature doesn't recognize good and evil nature Only recognizes balance and imbalance And man-kind is the later of the two That Mother Earth has almost found an antidote for She's been working on it for quite some time now And at this moment she almost has it perfected Injected as the smoke stacks stand like syringes pointed towards the sky The closer we die with our saturated chemical products taught to destroy Tear down another rainforest As the native inmates have no other choice But to adapt to lifestyles of corruption Abduction Build another fucking fast food franchise For the sake of frantic corporate feeding frenzies Pump your machine with gasoline and let nature run it's corse obscene There is no greater opponent than the earth who carries us Buries us She will plant the seeds after our departure And as we continue to play our game of extinction She will stand by eagerly waiting for a brand new start to everything History will indeed repeat itself But this time from the very beginning it will be as if we were never even here