I, I found it in the silence I found it in the middle of the day When no one else was watching me Well I keep going back and forth (back and forth,back and forth) It never is enough Always think I'm missing something I think I'm missing the point I, I found it in the silence I found it in the middle of the day When no one else was watching me On the edge of satisfaction It never is enough Always reaching out for someone I think I'm missing the point, mmm Ahh-oh, Ahh-oh, Ahh-oh Ahh-oh, Ahh-oh, Ahh-oh I, I, I, I, I found it in the I found it in the silence I found it in the middle of the day When no one else was watching me Watching me, when no one else was watching me When no one else was watching me Well I found happiness, mmm Mmm, mmm, mmm